We know that collaboration is at the core of any and all work related to building systems of equity. However, as education practitioners, we know that there is a huge difference between how a practice looks on paper (or on the screen!) and how a practice lives in our daily interactions.
To bridge that gap and get a glimpse into ways equity-focused educators are thinking about building connections with colleagues, Afro.Scholar EdCollective engaged in a community dialogue on the question, “What does it look like to build community with colleagues whose values differ from yours?”
For equity-focused educators looking to build bridges across differences with colleagues, below is some of the wisdom shared in our talk.
Start small. You don’t have to closely collaborate with everyone at the same time. Start off with one or two colleagues. Kids know great teaching-ask them “Who was your favorite teacher last year? Why?” to get a sense of who you may want to reach out to.
Communicate your values upfront. When collaborating with colleagues- clearly articulating your core values as an equity-centered educator is key. Make space to hear your colleagues’ core values as well. When colleagues are not aware of each others’ values they often have a harder time understanding each others’ priorities and actions.
Give and expect respect. When working with someone with values that differ from your own- it is also oftentimes the case that the ways in which respect are given and shown are different as well. Establish with your collaborator what respect looks like and hold each other accountable for giving respect. Know when to end collaboration and protect your peace when your boundaries are crossed.
What are your thoughts? How are you building bridges to colleagues? Leave your comments below! Stay connected- Follow us at @afro.scholared and click the Join Us button at the top of the page to join Afro.Scholar EdCollective!