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The Healing Power of Intentional Rest

Exhaustion will not save us. Rest will.

-The nap ministry (Tricia Hersey)

One of the best ways to #beatbackburnout is to find intentional rest.

Now is the moment to rest in your accomplishments as you look ahead to the new year. Take time to celebrate the equity-centered mindsets and practices you have been able to incorporate into learning spaces this year.

Afro.Scholar rests in our accomplishments and we celebrate our work in developing culturally responsive wellness spaces for educators, parents, and caregivers working to advance educational equity in schools. We celebrate the vision for our brave space. We celebrate making room to check in with one another and authentically answer the question “What’s good?” Most importantly we celebrate the community dialogues that validate and inspire our equity work.

To center rest we are refraining from all content creation for the month of December- that means no instagram content and no blog content!

We can’t wait to get back on our regular content schedule in the new year!

In the meantime here are some dope folks to support your equity aspirations:

  • Education Equity scholars like Dena Simmons @DenaSimmons, Chris Emdin @chrisemdin, and Gholdy Muhammad @GholdyM regularly offer bite-sized nuggets of scholarly and homegrown wisdom.

  • Well-known equity warriors Liz Kleinrock @teachandtransform and Howard Zinn @zinneducationprojecttoffer inspiration for growing your work.

  • Education practitioners Jose Vilson @jthejosevilson and Shauna Brown @teachfortheculture also offer regular doses of truth and humor.

How will you access the power of intentional rest as we close out the year? Leave your comments below! See you in 2023!

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