Inspiration for Your Equity Aspirations
Brave Space Talks
We support schools and school-districts with designing structures and practices that:
Support families and community members in learning more about culturally responsive teaching and other practices that reinforce equity in the classrooms and school
Support educators in unpacking and addressing equity barriers that prevent student academic or socio-emotional success
Engage school-based teams in designing and developing committees that foster culturally inclusive practices within the school and community
Walking the Talk:
Theory to Practice
We support teacher-education programs, school districts and school leaders in using research-based tools and frameworks to develop equity focused cultural practices, instructional strategies and curricula. This work includes:
Designing and facilitating tailored 6-month or 12-month equity focused professional learning plans (in-person or virtually)
Designing affirming and culturally-responsive work spaces that aid in recruiting and retaining teachers
Supporting teacher-preparation programs in assessing and evaluating curricula and syllabi
Engaging teacher preparation programs in creating spaces for aspiring teachers to learn more about culturally responsive teaching and other practices that reinforce equity in the classrooms and schools
Coaching school leaders in implementing equity focused instructional leadership practices